January Accessibility Quarterly – AREA 72


JANUARY 21ST 2023 Starts: 10:00 am Room Opens: 9:30 am Meeting ID: 623 242 6970 Passcode: 041701 Call in: 1 253 215 8782 For Questions Contact Accessibility Chair accessibility@area72aa.org languagechair@area72aa.org If interpretation is requested, please contact me ASAP!

YP Quarterly – AREA 72


January 28, 2023 (Room opens at 11:45 AM)  Starts at 12:00 PM Zoom Meeting ID : 870 6620 9263 Passcode: 948886 Questions: ypchair@area72aa.ord

Area 72 Información Pública (IP) Reunión Trimestral de Negocios de Invierno


Fecha: Sábado Febrero 11, 2023 Tiempo: 1:00 pm – 4:00pm mas o menos Ubicación: Virtual desde pc/tablet/phone ID DE REUNION DE ZOOM: 896-5804-3250 ACCESO: 995504 MARQUE: 1-253-215-8782 ¿NECESITA INTERPRETACIÓN? Solicite ASL o Interpretacion en Español paraFeb 5th PREGUNTAS & INTERPRETACIÓN: Kari K. al pi@area72aa.org


Greater Seattle Intergroup 5507 6th Ave S, Seattle, WA

AREA 72 TREATMENT QUARTERLY SATURDAY JULY 15th, 2023 Hosted by District 31 In-person at the Greater Seattle Intergroup 5507 6th Ave S Seattle, Wa 98108 Or on Zoom ID# 812 5591 9512 PC# 694688 Fellowship begins at 8:30 Business begins at 9:00 Ends around 1pm Pizza will be served Feel free to bring appetizers, salads or desserts 7th tradition basket will be passed to cover the cost of the Pizza and to show our appreciation to GSIG Questions?? Please contact the Treatment Chair treatment@area72aa.org Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics" -Alcoholic Anonymous, page 89


Kingston Hall 26292 Lindvog Rd. NE #130, Kingston, WA

Saturday JULY 22 Fellowship @ 11:30 Business @ 12 PM   HYBRID MEETING INFO MEETING ID: 891 0107 1442 PASSCODE 405044   26292 Lindvog Rd. NE #130, Kingston, WA 98346

Western Washington Area 72 ARCHIVES QUARTERLY

Edmonds Presbyterian Church 22600 96th Ave W, Edmonds, WA

Western Washington Area 72 ARCHIVES QUARTERLY ARCHIVOS TRIMESTRALES BEN FRANKLIN HOTEL PENTHOUDE MEEING OFERLY AIR GESTILE Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 10:00 am sábado 5 agusto 2023 a las 10:00 Hybrid Quarterly hosted by District 24 Édmonds Presbyterian Chürch 22600 96th Ave W, Edmonds, WA 98020 Meeting ID: 850 7828 7751 Passcode: Archives For more information, please contact Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto Area Archives Chair | archiveschair@area72aa.org